Wakeboard Advanced
Enjoy a deep water start in our calm glassy waters, to propel you into the world of extreme, adrenaline pumped sport of wakeboarding, enjoying the buzz of doing a whirlybird!
Wakeboard Experts Lingo!
Air Raley — Rider hits the wake and fully extends his body, allowing his legs, feet and board to rise above his head.
Backside — when the rider begins his rotation by turning his back in the direction he is traveling.
Double-Up — Boat path that creates a huge wake for the rider to hit. The driver turns out wide and then continues to turn until he hits the old wake perpendicularly. A properly driven double-up resembles a “P.”
Fakie — Describes the position of the rider when he is riding backward. For example, a rider who normally rides with his right leg in front, would ride the fakie position with his left leg in front. Also known as switchstance or switch.
Roll-to-Revert — When a rider executes a roll and lands fakie.
Tantrum — When the rider approaches the wake backside and performs a back flip.
Whirlybird — A tantrum with a 360 degree spin